Monday, April 26, 2010

6x1 Part II

There really isnt much I would change. I mean Im pretty sure all we ever say are great things about this class.
I mean WE- BUILT-- A - FORT!!! -- IN - CLASS for goodness sakes hahahahaa.
I would totally keep the blogging happening, its great to keep us up to date with the readings, and keep thoughts flowing.
And I feel like the flow of how the due dates are works very well. Also how we start off with more group work and finish with more individual is beneficial I feel to.
Maybe one thing I would change on that note, is how the group work/ partner work plays out. I think it would be beneficial if group membered mixed and matched a bit more, to further spark the flow of new ideas; and be good practise to work with the different environments peoples differing opinions bring to production.
Very literally though it is one of my favourite classes I've ever taken and I really don't have much critique to be made.
I mean I could keep talking about all the things I enjoy about class, but I don't think that really helps much toward making changes.
I even like the readings chosen. As they sparked ideas in a sort of alternate matter. It wasn't straight out, heres 'how to' information. So much as abstract ideas, enlightening us with variations of art forms, and the different options there are within them to individually approaching it. As I keep saying, it encourages the flow of creativity and new ideas to broadening our ideas and opinions.
So I dunno how helpful this blog is, hopefully some, but that is pretty much all I have. So basically If I made a 6x1 it would be called traditional 6x1 maybe hahahahhaa. And I'd theif your subject outline and photocopy it for the students. Call is plagurism if you like, I call it this thing some teacher taught me once called contextualisation. HAHAHAHA kidding =P hahaha.
But pretty much yes that is what Id do hahaha. So congratulations I suppose on succeeding with ease at satisfying us all with our learnings for the semester. =P

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