Sunday, January 31, 2010

synesthesia in art & neurological

Prior to this reading I have not studied Synesthesia at all never mind as an art form. I was however immediately attracted to the concept. My interest lies both in how it affects the brain to differ the thought process (the neurological studies) and certainly also how it can be artistically conveyed (be it an interpretation of the condition and/or a synesthetes communication of the experience a vision. On a personal note I particularly loved the idea of putting a visual face to music (sound to colour synesthesia), the neurological study of ordinal linguistic personification and the section on Literary depictions of Synesthesia.
The reasons I was attracted to these three areas in particular...
For the sound to colour, it’s as simple as the fact that I wish I had it (ha-ha). I like to close my eyes sometimes and just imagine everything I can see when I hear music, let it spark new things in my mind I suppose.
For ‘ordinal linguistic personification, I suppose I just found it fascinating, that there are a number of people out there who have this link in their minds drawing this detailed imagery from things as simple as letters or symbols etc. I am studying Media Ethics and part of the topic a week or so ago was analysing what truth is. We study philosophical theories to depict our own idea of what truth is. Sort of like how people are consistently asking the question “what is crazy”, is an insane state of mind wrong, or just a different outlook because they see a broader picture and so on. It just makes me think (similarly to how I would question who’s idea of colour was right as a child, between mine and my colour blinded dad’s, I used to think who is to say his idea of colour is wrong – one can go on for hours so majority of the time it is best to be accepting of a joint societies idea of truth): I just love that there is a collaborative group of people with this condition in the world sort of challenging everyone else’s idea of such simple things (symbols, sounds, colours) and what that represent in different individuals.
Which brings me to the subject of literary depictions, not to focus too much on that area alone though: in general I love that synesthesia sparks so much creativity. Be it from or about a synesthete’s perspective: I think to share with others the beauty of a synesthete’s mind with alternate colour or sound representation in film, paintings, theatre, music etc is intriguing and beautiful. I like the idea that there is no one way of thinking, that there’s rarely one answer; and certainly no one way of expression. I suppose I loved the idea of literary depiction in particular because I am currently taking a writing class also, so character breakdown and new ideas are on the mind. For general filmmaking or storytelling it is interesting to think always about new techniques to practise with. So I my short reading on synesthesia was interesting for me to think about the ideas of differing perceptions, I felt it sparked some sort of creative thoughts I can think to work with in future, and it’s quite simply just good to know, I do love to learn these days. =)
I am very tired I hope that made some sense, I know what I wanted to say whether I expressed that clearly here or not is a whole other issue =P good night =).

Monday, January 25, 2010

scratch film junkies

I cetainly appreciate it as art work (the work of the scratch film junkies), and I love that it has the opportunity to be interpreted in so many ways by all audiences. I have managed to pick up my dad's synecism toward interpretive film at the moment though haha, it's terrible haha. Maybe its the hours of interpretive animations at the film festivals I went to that has temporarily turned me off I don't know, either way I will stop being so judgmental for a second and say what I appreciated haha.
First of all, I was unsure in my first day of class if the films were manually made or digitally, I suspected manually (according to my notes haha), and was pleased to here this was true. I am definitely more appreciative of manual art in comparison to digital.
According to my notes, I saw angst initially in the work, but as the colour melted to purples with the transition of the music from a marching beat to individual new footprints I felt a greater sense of opportunity, accomplishment and growth.
The style was really beautiful actually, I do still love the idea of experimenting, and exploring the techniques.
All in all I will say yes I appreciated it.

scratch film junkies go already

where is it

Ok my video has been downloading for hours. I am going to put into into Premiere change the format or something coz this is rediculous haha and I want to sleep haha.
